
Wow... so what do you really believe?

Others> Wow... so what do you really believe? If you have parted ways with contemporary orthodoxy, then what else have you parted with? Me> Yes I have parted ways with both Arminianism and Calvinism. However, I hope that I have not unnecessarily parted ways with the thoughtful conclusions and hard-won discoveries of Christians through the ages. I seek to be a Christian, not a contrarian! Disagreement over one point, whether major or minor, is not... read more.

Yes, but Even Harder Questions!

SELF>> After lengthy discussion with others and reading various books, I have found that there is quite a range of thought even among Christian Universalists. In fact, sadly, the divisions between them in faith and fellowship might even be deeper than between those of traditional Christianity. Most Christian Universalists have observed, as I, that the Greek word "aion" is at times wrongly translated "eternal" in the English Bible. Some are silent about the salvation of... read more.

You Are a Heretical Pope Pronouncing Salvation Without Faith!

OBJECTOR>> You Are a Heretical Pope Pronouncing Salvation Without Faith! ME>> Just to be clear there will be no one in Heaven without faith in Christ or without love for God and mankind. Heaven is the eternal home of the glorified redeemed people of God. There will be no death, sin, mourning, crying, pain, or unbelief! Instead there will be life, perfection, joy, celebration, health, and unwavering trust. There will be unending love from God... read more.

You Are Wrong About Matthew 25:31-46!

One unconvinced reader said... READER>> Your understanding of Matthew 25:31-46 is wrong. The passage is saying that those on the left of Jesus will be punished WITH the Devil and his angels in the Lake of Fire. Whereas you are saying that those on his left ARE the Devil and his angels. ME>> First you correctly understand my view. Thank you for that. I do believe the passage is best understood in the context of... read more.

You Categorize Calvinists too Simply!

I say to myself... SELF>> You categorize Calvinists too simply while comparing them with Arminians. For example some Calvinists prefer the language of limited atonement while others prefer the language of particular atonement. ME>> Self, that is a very good point that could use clarification. You are right that not all Calvinists are in agreement about salvation or numerous other Christian doctrines. Many Calvinists advocate infant baptism while others are only for believer's baptism, as... read more.

You Have Compromised All...

Another responded... READER>> Here are some of my thoughts in response. On the surface, you have answered all the questions. It seems having harmonized God’s grace with man’s faith without compromising His justice. But I think you have compromised all of them. You said “the non-believers will be condemned to Hades as punishment for their unbelief, but will ultimately go to the new heaven due to God’s grace.” First of all, it is undermining the... read more.

Your Beliefs Destroy Christian Friendships!

One friend said... READER>> Your beliefs destroy Christian friendships! ME>> This is the most important objection of every objection raised to against my happy thesis that Jesus Christ is your savior, my savior, and the savior of all mankind. Certainly of all possible concerns, people and relationship are the most important concern. Yet the objection is raised that my beliefs have strained and even broken relationships with dear friends and churches. So how can that... read more.

Your Reasoning is Backwards!

AGAIN>> You are not thinking right. Your reasoning is backwards! ME>> Actually, both the Arminian and the Calvinist are guilty of reasoning from their end backward to their conclusions about salvation. They both begin by saying that it is clear that unbelieving humans are sentenced to eternal damnation. They rightly see that many passages do speak about punishment for men after death as I also agree. Yet because of misguidance, ignorance, fear, or worse, they... read more.

Your Theory about the Goats... Is it Really Possible? Matthew 25:31-46

READER >> I like what you have written, but question your theory about the goats on Jesus' left being fallen angels only. Is it really possible? ME >> Thank you for asking and join me in reconsidering. Who are the goats? It is a simple question with a simple answer assumed. Unbelievers of course! However, many times a simple observation is missed and we are misled by our assumptions. Consider, ever since 1492 whenever the... read more.

Your Thought is that Christians Have Lost the Gospel?

QUESTION>> Your thought is that Christians have lost the gospel? Really? ME>> Certainly not all Christians have lost the gospel! However, just as certainly there are many who claim to follow Jesus and profess faith in Jesus, yet are misguided as to who Jesus is and the beauty of his unconditional love. Consider that the first century church of Galatia lost the gospel. Apostle Paul wrote the letter of Galatians to rebuke their unbelief. This... read more.

Your Thought is that Daniel 12:1-4 is the Final Judgment?

QUESTION>> Your thought is that Daniel 12:1-4 is the final judgment? ME>> Yes, I have proposed that Matthew 25:31-46, Daniel 12:1-4, and Revelation 20:11-15 are all the same event, the final Great White Throne judgment. I have already made a case for this in my articles Daniel 12:1-4 and Yes, but Even Harder Questions! Yet Bill Saxton's book Daniel's Prophecies of Covenant Change makes a strong case that the King of North in Daniel 11... read more.

Your Thoughts on Matthews Meaning of 'Aionian Fire?'

QUESTION>> [How do you explain] the connection between the eonian fire prepared for the devil and his angels and the eonian fire of Gehenna (the same Aramaic phraseology is used in Matthew's gospel about them both, "the fire the eonian?" This essentially identifies the two. ME>> You note that Matthew uses the exact same phrase, "the fire the aionian" in Matthew 18:8 and also 25:41 which appears to identify these as the same destiny. Yet... read more.
